HEINEKEN Vietnam backs sustainable growth for a better Vietnam

Working towards sustainable brewing by brewing 100% from renewable energy at all 6 breweries in Vietnam

• In 2016, HEINEKEN Vietnam contributed 0.75% to Vietnam's total GDP, equivalent to 33.5 trillion VND

• 99% of residual materials used in production are reused or recycled

Hanoi, June 28, 2017 - HEINEKEN Vietnam announced its achievements and future directions for sustainable development through the release of its 2016 Sustainable Development Report. Carrying on the journey "For a Better Vietnam" that it has embarked on for the past 25 years, HEINEKEN Vietnam has been recognized not only by the signature green and its popular brands but also its sustainability on the basis of increasing its positive impact on PEOPLE, PLANET and PROSPERITY in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This is also the third consecutive year HEINEKEN Vietnam has published a GRI accredited full Sustainability Report for Vietnam.

Leo Evers, Managing Director of HEINEKEN Vietnam, said, "We are delighted with our significant progress in pursing sustainable development to date. However we also understand that there is still a lot more to be done. In 2016, we moved closer to brewing 100% from renewable energy at all of our breweries whilst creating close to zero waste. We strengthened our partnerships and programs that promote responsible drinking and continued to invest heavily in developing our people and our communities. Whilst there are more challenges ahead, we believe that our "Brewing a Better Vietnam" journey will continue to add more value to people, planet and prosperity in Vietnam. "

Mr. Leo Evers presented key sustainability achievements of HEINEKEN Vietnam in 2016

HEINEKEN Vietnam’s Sustainable Development Report 2016 focuses on six key areas: Promoting Responsible Drinking, Protecting Water Resources, Reducing CO2 Emissions, Supporting our Communities, Sourcing Sustainably, including locally wherever possible, and promoting Health and Safety. Key highlights from 2016 include: 

  • PEOPLE - HEINEKEN Vietnam invested more than 8% of Heineken brand’s media budget to promote drinking Heineken responsibly. The anti-drink driving campaign reaching 65 million views. HEINEKEN Vietnam invested more than 16 billion VND for training and development as well as providing more than 17,000 hours of road safety training. Finally, HEINEKEN Vietnam provided more than 25 billion VND in community sponsorships, including 5 major clean water projects. In 2016, HEINEKEN Vietnam’s long running "One minute less for one million smiles" program provided 576,000 liters of clean water to more than 2,500 households nationwide. 
  • PLANET - Currently, four out of six HEINEKEN Vietnam breweries brew beer using 100% renewable energy, which helped reduce CO2 emissions by 38% compared to 2015. In 2017 and the coming years, HEINEKEN Vietnam aims to brew 100% from renewable energy at all of its breweries. In addition, the HEINEKEN Vietnam has reduced the amount of water used by 3%, nearly halving the amount of water used in 2008. State of the art waste water treatment plants ensure all water used is treated beyond standard quality regulations before being discharged back into the environment. At all HEINEKEN Vietnam breweries, up to 99% of the residual materials used in production are reused or recycled for operations, getting close to zero-waste breweries. 
  • HEINEKEN Vietnam is committed to using local suppliers to create more jobs for the people, bringing PROSPERITY to Vietnam and other stakeholders. 100% of HEINEKEN Vietnam packaging materials are purchased locally, a testament to the company’s commitment to select local suppliers and support them wherever possible with HEINEKEN Vietnam's partners. Accordingly, HEINEKEN Vietnam contributed 33.5 trillion VND to Vietnam's economy, equivalent to 0.75% of Vietnam’s total GDP. 

HEINEKEN Vietnam was honored as the third most sustainable manufacturing company in Vietnam in the VCCI’s, CSI Sustainable Business Indicators 2016. With another solid year’s performance of sustainable growth, we look forward to continuing to lead the way for sustainable growth in Vietnam and, together with all of our partners and stakeholders, brewing a better Vietnam.

Letter in the bottle from HEINEKEN with key messages from sustainability report delivered to the media representatives

Please visit the link below to access HEINEKEN Vietnam’s 2016 Sustainable Development Report for more information: www.heineken-vietnam.com.vn/en/sustainability
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For more information, please contact:

Ms. Nguyen Van Anh
Head of Communications
Company-Phone: +84 28 3822 2755 - Ext: 124
Email: NguyenVan.Anh@heineken.com

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